Monday, 25 October 2021

Newlywed’s Glass Bottom Tub Complaint In Maldives Leaves The Internet Shook

You wouldn’t think there would be much to complain about when staying in an overwater villa in the Maldives (with the love of your life). But then: you’re not a travel blogger with a TikTok following to grow.

Speaking of which: Zachary Abel (@zacharyburrabel), American actor from Make It or Break It, who is also a travel blogger and credit card points hacker, has taken to TikTok to share “the worst part about being in a glass bottom tub” in an overwater villa in The Maldives, whilst on his honeymoon.

His complaint? Watch the video below to find out.

The worst part about being in a glass bottom tub, in an overwater villa…

Basically, he says, the glass bottom to your tub gives you FOMO. You start to feel like you’re missing out on the outdoor rain shower, which then leads you to realise what you really want to do is swim next to the overwater villa.

Abel, who has 1.1 million followers and 21.5 million likes on TikTok, did acknowledge, tongue in cheek, it “could be worse.”

Some of his followers loved the video. Others were low-key shook. Even hotel company IHG Hotels & Resorts wrote: “That’s the best predicament we’ve heard all week.”

Another TikTok user wrote: “This is an appropriate flex.”

Yet another wrote: “Decisions, decisions.”

Another wrote: “Life is so hard in the Maldives.”

Others got a bit more analytical, saying that – depending on your choice – your fingers could end up looking a different kind of shrivelled: “Main choices: freshwater or saltwater prune fingers.”

Another user asked: “What if someone swims under the tub?” – to which Abel responded: “Seriously.”

Yet another dilemma he solved for his followers is that of how to make a honeymoon special “when you travel all the time.” In response to this question, he said: “This is one of the only trips we have gone to on location for such a long time – that’s been a big difference.”

There you have it: the worst part about staying in an overwater villa in the Maldives, with a glass bottom tub.

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The post Newlywed’s Glass Bottom Tub Complaint In Maldives Leaves The Internet Shook appeared first on DMARGE.


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