Thursday, 3 June 2021

Hollywood Actress Sydney Sweeney Gives Men Useful Insight Into What Makes A Woman Truly Happy

A man has taken to Twitter with the hope of "getting Sydney Sweeney to notice me" and while it is sycophantic and weird it is also, maybe, a lesson in confidence.

The man, whose Twitter username is @mattmazzamaro, began posting daily photos of himself in May in an attempt to gain the attention of actress Sydney Sweeney.

Like this week's business class controversy, in which a French woman was caught posing at the pointy end of the plane for a photo for her followers, without really flying there, the man's actions will likely divide readers into two camps.

Some will call it a ~cringe~ watermark of where our society has come to – a world where emojis have replaced complex thought, celebrities are put on pedestals, and grovelling fans engage in grasping social media actions to define their self-worth.

Others will champion his "hustle" and remark on his inspirational ability to wear his heart on his sleeve. They will also call the haters old and out of touch.

We'll let you decide for yourself. Check out the Twitter thread below.

One user, @sherryyjcv (perhaps a friend), chimed in, writing: "I support it," and also tagging the Hollywood actress.

Sydney Sweeney, who has acted in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Sharp Objects and Nocturne, is yet to directly respond. Indeed, Mazzamaro appears to have given up his quest on day five (on the 15th of May).

Sweeney, however, on the 20th of May, posted a Tweet of her own, which could (emphasis on could) have been inspired by Mazzamaro's post.

"What truly makes me happy... food.. (& cookies/icecream not pictured)," Sweeney wrote, posting a picture of herself eating popcorn.

Though some men appeared to have learned nothing from the post (see the mass of: "I love you" comments) others seem to have drunk the cool-aid, asking Sweeney if she would like some "freshly popped popcorn."

A good lesson for every lovestruck individual out there – if you're trying to impress someone, stop making it about yourself.

Food for thought.

This is not the first time men's flirting skills (and online behaviour) have come under the microscope in the last 12 months.

Katie Wilson, Director of Communications at HUD, a “sex positive app,” told DMARGE earlier this year, “When we see someone online – whether it’s a tennis professional [like Eugenie Bouchard] or a Kardashian – we don’t think of them as being real people, with real lives and feelings and emotions beyond what’s projected on social media.”

“Combine that with the ‘anonymous factor’ of being physically far removed from them, behind a screen and keyboard, and convinced that you’re in the Wild West of the internet where there are few rules and minimal risk of getting caught for being a creep – well, this does open up the opportunity for anyone to say anything, particularly things they would never say in person.”

It should be noted Wilson was talking about gross comments being left under celebrities' Instagram photos, not guys on Twitter (like @mattmazzamaro) taking photos of themselves as part of a playful ploy to get attention. But still: her comments speak to our twisted culture of celebrity worship.

“People feel more comfortable to speak up when the consequences are either minimal or so far removed as to feel nonexistent. This is a double-edged sword – on one hand, feeling safe can encourage people to speak up against injustice and stand up to bad behaviour, but on the other hand, it can also encourage inappropriateness,” Wilson told DMARGE.

RELATED: American Instagram Model On A Mission To 'Rehabilitate' Men's DM Sliding Game 

On how to approach someone on Instagram in a positive manner, Wilson told DMARGE, “You know, we women don’t have a handbook on how to approach men without making them feel harassed or sexualized, so it’s an infuriating double standard that women – who by and large face the biggest proportion of sexual harassment and violence – are being expected to do the work to educate men on how to approach them without coming across as a creep.”

“Men need to do the work to figure this stuff out, and listen to women instead of expecting to be coddled through the process of learning how to act authentic and genuine. Just use your common sense, don’t be pushy, don’t harass her, and accept no without being a jerk about it.”

“Men who approach women thinking they’re owed attention, a date, or sex, or that women wouldn’t post pictures of themselves in bikinis unless they were ‘asking for it’ do need to learn real human interaction skills, but it’s not women’s jobs to teach them. Men caused this problem, and men need to recognise this about themselves, unpack this, and rehabilitate their own behavior.”

“I think guys hold back on approaching women [in real life] because they are uncomfortable about being themselves, and they feel like they need to put on a show or act impressive in order to get a woman’s attention. But I think women are more impressed by authenticity and kindness and openness.”

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